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Pain FREE!


For the last 4 years I haven't been able to feel the right side of my body and have severe back pain. 

Jenny was amazing, she told me things about where my pain was coming from and information about my loss of sensation. After the session I stood up and not only was I full of energy but there was NO pain and I COULD FEEL WARMTH IN MY RIGHT ARM! 

Not even 24 hours later I was driving and I could feel the sun on my face and the steering wheel in my hand!

I can't remember the last time I felt anything on that side of my body!

Laura S. VIC

A New Zest for Life

Thank you so much for helping me with my health issues. I cannot explain how much better I feel. As you described my inner self gently changed and I feel myself becoming happier by the day.
I am determined to eat better and to take a little better care of myself. I LOVE this new me, I feel myself smiling more and becoming more confident. I have even been able to clean Mom's things out of the house she ived in! What a joy of memories and not the drud
gery I had expected.

Thank you so much.

Kathy T. USA

Lincoln Bickford, MD, PhD, psychiatrist, New York, USA

Take a Load Off

I recently had brain surgery to remove two tumours from my frontal lobes. Apparently they had been there for 10 years or more. They had been affecting me personally. 
I have been struggling with certain behaviours/attitudes for many many years. Jenny visited me in the hospital and consequently felt she could help me. 
During the appointment she went through various techniques to address these issues. 
As each behaviour/attitude was addressed Jenny removed them from me and after each technique my load was lifted and the relief was amazing. This went on for each issue and the load was lifted from my mind. 
I recommend Jenny to anyone she is amazing.

Ross N.N.

No More Heartburn

I have not had heartburn since our session. I cannot tell you what a relief it is. Especially since I have had it every day, even from drinking water! 18 years of pain and acid burn ALL gone! I keep waiting for it to return hahaha! So far so good. I’m looking forward to and so excited to be able to learn this to help others.

Thank you so much.

Mel, NSW

Relief from a Gall Attack

Without any drugs, pain relief etc, and within just half an hour the pain was reduced and I slept well through the night with just minimal discomfort. I woke the next morning feeling great as if it had been a nightmare and not an actual Gall Attack.

Heartfelt thanks. You are a miracle worker!

Sue, Sydney

No More Diabetes Type 2
After  my  second EL session with Jenny I revisited the doctor for another diabetes test and this time I was super delighted to hear that it was all clear! I’m so grateful and appreciate so much your guidance, strength, clarity and help.

M.M Sydney

Depression Gone!

Please accept my grateful thanks for the time you spent with me. Here's a quick up date - I drank lots of water and went to the toilet heaps both ways. I had a big headache the next day but I'm feeling heaps better now. The depression has completely lifted and I feel like the enthusiastic, fun loving me. This time it wasn't a fight to get here. 

Sincere thanks.

Chris W. Adelaide

Connected Healing

The session you had with my daughter has changed something in me. I have NEVER EVER been able to eat fruit on an empty stomach. I would get TERRIBLE burning pain and have to lie down for 30 minutes and drink gallons of water for it to go away.


For the fIrst time ever I have been eating fruit for a week with no adverse effects. Even if I ate a piece late in the afternoon I would get the adverse effects which were debilitating. What a relief!

Dorotka, New Zealand


After my first session I felt like my body was humming internally. Like I was operating on a new frequency. Today I have felt so much lighter, more energetic and somehow taller. I am enjoying my children more like I used to and my body is starting to feel again. I don't feel quite so numb. Thank you so much Jenny for your help, for your knowledge, and for your love.

     TT Boston USA

Burning Pain Vanishes

I feel that I have been unburdened and I now feel so light and happy – it's the most wonderful feeling. The greatest feat is that I no longer have the burning spot in my chest that I have had for thirteen years and no other specialist or health practitioner has been able to help with.

Kerry, Castle Hill

Relief - Release - Renewal

It was funny enough to talk (via Skype) all across the globe to a woman I had never met before about my personal problematic situation - I was so nervous! But once you hear Jenny's warm and caring voice, you know you are in the right place.

Jenny, I appreciate  your empathy, your gift to find the proper words, your humour, your enormous depth, your keen perception and your ability to root out hindrances and blockages so quickly.

Since the session my life and developement have sped up and completely new ways have shown up. It's a great joy and I would recommend everybody who is lost in some way to get in touch with Jenny.

Watch for the Miracles - they will appear!

Thank you so much You Shiny Soul!

Katharina, Switzerland

My Mary Poppins

To me Jenny Hobby is my personal Mary Poppins - as the song says....

In ev'ry job that must be done

There is an element of fun

you find the fun and snap!

The job's a game

Nad ev'ry task you undertake

Becomes a piece of cake

A lark! Aspree!

It's very clear to me.

Becci Roberts, Utah, USA

PTSD Relief

After several traumas due to the nature of my police work I tipped the scales with my stress levels and as my nervous system was completely strung out I was forced to retire from my work due to the stress which had completely impacted my life. I no longer felt safe in public places and always hyper vigilant at to what was going to happen. I locked myself at home and away from society. I was even becoming estranged from my family.
I thankfully agreed to meet with Jenny and after just two phone sessions I integrated back into the world, attending my sons soccer matches, reconnected with  my ageing parents and once again became the life of the party (So I am told!)
I felt safe with Jenny working together with all of the emotions that plagued me and the specific timelines and incidents that had created them. Once again I am loving life.

RR - Albury NSW

Miracle Make-Over

A close friend recommended Jenny as a particularly gifted coach; I had some emotional blockages that I wanted to free up, and as a practicing psychiatrist I'm always interested in exploring new therapeutic modalities. As I live in New York, I had two distance (telephone) sessions with Jenny that were simply miraculous.

She immediately had a remarkable intuitive grasp of many of the things that were holding me back from my authentic being, and worked through literally dozens in the space of those two hours (something that could take months or years of traditional psychotherapy). During the session I felt major emotional releases and intense change running through my body, and even physical changes like my spine realigning.  In the weeks since I feel much more clear, calm, focused, and energetic, have easily addressed professional hurdles, have dropped unhealthy habits, my relationship with my partner has improved greatly, and my meditative/spiritual practice has deepened significantly.

I certainly plan to take Jenny's training at the earliest opportunity to use with my own clients!

"The Greater the Struggle, the More Amazing the Triumph"

These words were softly spoken in the 20 minute, emotionally packed prize winning film by Joshua Wiegel. "Butterfly Circus"

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